Sherpa fleece is also known as weft woven coral velvet, 288F. it has long hair, and it isn’t easy for pilling. It is a popular knitted fabric in recent two years. It is widely used in clothing, toys, bedding products.
Istilah bisnis produk
Kuantitas Orde minimum: |
1000kg |
Rincian bungkusan: |
Kantong bungkus palastik serbaguna sareng batang kertas Kuat |
Waktos pangiriman: |
Tilu puluh lima dinten saatos deposit mayar |
Sarat pamayaran: |
Supply Pangabisa: |
Saratus rebu ton plus (tiasa dibahas deui) |
150d 288f
jéntré gancang
Sherpa fleece has very long hair compare to other fleece.
Kauntungan kalapa
Kami anu suplai panggedéna di daérah éta, kami ngagaduhan ranté suplai lengkep sareng pabrik anu seueur pikeun prosés karajinan anu béda.
It was similar to the polar fleece, there is also a filamentous fleece texture, good warmth retention property. Used for lining plush toys, blankets and clothes. Sherpa fleece are also popular for gifts and casual shoe surfaces.